2011 Illinois Dram Shop Statutory
1998 amendments to the Illinois Liquor Control
Act, commonly known as the Dram Shop Act, require
that every January 20th, the Illinois Comptroller
determines the increase or decrease in the
liability limits for causes of action brought
under the Act, in accordance with the consumer
price index (CPI-U) published by the Bureaus of
Labor Statistics.
2011 figures are based on an increase in the CPI-U
of 1.5% from 2010. The liability limits for
claims occurring on or after January 20th, 2011
are $61,151.39 for bodily injury and property
damage, and $74,740.59 for either loss of means of
support or loss of society resulting from the
death or injury of any person.
For perspective, below are the limits over
the last decade.
Bodily Injury
2001: $48,541.52
2002: $49,293.91
2003: $50,467.11
2004: $51,415.89
2005: $53,092.05
2006: $54,907.80
2007: $56,302.45
2008: $58,599.59
2009: $58,652.33
2010: $60,247.68
2011: $61,151.39
Property Damage
2001: $48,541.52
2002: $49,293.91
2003: $50,467.11
2004: $51,415.89
2005: $53,092.05
2006: $54,907.80
2007: $56,302.45
2008: $58,599.59
2009: $58,652.33
2010: $60,247.68
2011: $61,151.39
Loss of Society/Loss of Means of
2001: $59,328.52
2002: $60,248.12
2003: $61,682.02
2004: $62,841.64
2005: $64,890.28
2006: $67,109.53
2007: $68,814.11
2008: $71,621.72
2009: $71,686.18
2010: $73,636.05
2011: $74,740.59
Percent of Change
2002: +1.55%
2003: +2.38%
2004: +1.88%
2005: +3.26%
2006: +3.42%
2007: +2.54%
2008: +4.08%
2009: +0.09%
2010: +2.72%
2011: +1.50%
numbers speak for themselves. In the
last ten years, Bodily Injury and Property Damage
have risen by $12,609.87, respectively, while Loss
of Society/Loss of Means of Support has increased
by $15,412.07. The lesson we try to stress
to our clients is that the cost of Liquor
Liability claims goes up every year. If
you're still carrying the state minimum of
$300,000 in liquor liability coverage you have a
potentially dangerous exposure, and one that is
often inexpensive to remedy.
In a one person claim, you very well may be
ok with a lower liability limit. But even a
two person claim, with maximum damages awarded per
person for Bodily Injury, Property Damage and
LS/LMS, you could face a potential claim well
north of $300,000 - putting you almost
$100,000 out of pocket without considering whether
your policy limit includes or excludes defense
Even with a $500,000 Liquor Liability limit,
it doesn't take much stretching of the imagination
to envision a potential claim that would exhaust
half a million dollars of coverage.
Increasing damage settlements such as this are
precisely the reason that $1 Million in liquor
liability coverage is becoming the industry
Whether you're in Illinois and are
"protected" by the Dram Shop limits, or a state
without a dram shop statutue to cap the damages
you may face in a suit, the warning is the
same: these big claims happen more than you
may hear about. Don't be caught off-guard
and underinsured and jeopardize the the assets and
future of your business.
Safe Handling of Oily or Solvent
Waste Rags
Precautions must
be taken with waste rags saturated with a
flammable liquid because they present a special
fire hazard. An effective method for
protecting these rags is to store them in listed
self-closing containers. This will reduce
the chances of a fire occurring due to spontaneous
heating can occur any time a rag is soaked with an
organic substance. The chemical reaction
consists of oxidation occurring, resulting in the
evolution of heat.
Through the use
of listed self-closing containers, we find a lower
potential for fire spread due to spontaneous
ignition. The main purpose of the waste
containers is to control the potential for
spontaneous ignition, which occurs when the
material reaches its ignition
When waste
containers are not used, there exists a greater
chance of the material catching fire as a result
from ignition sources like welding, cutting and
other "hot work" operations. Carelessly
discarded cigarettes or matches may have the same
devastating consequences.
The self-closing
containers are specifically designed to correct or
alleviate the spontaneous combustion
problem. They are constructed of metal and
will confine a self-ignited fire. These cans
have self closing covers and are elevated to
reduce the chance of adjacent combustible floor
materials being ignited.
Spotlight On: Broadcasting
Pay-Per-View Programs
Unauthorized broadcasts of pay-per-view
fights, such as Ultimate Fighting Championships,
professional boxing, and other professional
sporting matches, are prohibited under federal law
by the Communications Act of 1934 and the Cable
and Television Consumer Protection and Competition
Act of 1992. Because subscription television
programming is intended for the benefit of
paying subscribers only, unauthorized
airing of these programs for commercial gain is
unlawful. Entities that hold the exclusive
commercial exhibition and distribution rights can
sue any business owner who broadcasts fights at
their establishments without a proper
How can you violate these laws? If you
are sued for broadcasting fights without the
proper license, what kind of exposure do you
create for yourself? Can you turn the suit
over to your insurer for coverage for losses
stemming from these illegal broadcasts?
There are numerous ways a business can
violate these laws. An obvious case is when
a business owner intercepts a program from a
satellite uplink and "distributes" the event at
its place of business. Less obvious
infringing conduct will also create liability,
however. For example, a violation can be
found where an individual officer of a business
("John Doe") legally purchases a personal license
to watch a fight, but shows it in a commercial
setting (at their bar "John Doe's Saloon").
Moreover, a business can also be held liable for a
violation if it has "the right and ability to
supervise" the infringing activities and had "an
obvious and direct financial interest in the
exploitation of the copyrighted materials" or if
it "authorized" the infringing conduct.
In addition to the costs to defend a lawsuit
arising out of such a broadcast, violations create
large exposures for businesses, as courts will
award attorney fees, statutory damages, and
enhanced damages where a willful violation of the
statute is shown. Damages may differ
depending on the circumstance. In instances
where a business owner is found to have broadcast
the fight to an unknown number of patrons, for
example, the court will award a flat sum by taking
into account the proportionality between the loss
suffered by a plaintiff and the profit gained by
the business owner. Conversely, when the
exact number of patrons is known, the court will
base an award on the number of patrons in the
establishment who viewed the unauthorized showing
multiplied by a number set by the court. If
any violation is found, regardless of the number
of patrons viewing the broadcast, attorney's fees
and costs are mandatory and will be awarded so
long as the court finds the fees reasonable.
We have yet to find a policy form that
includes coverage for these acts. They're
often excluded on several grounds, and business
owners will be responsible for providing their own
defense in the event they are sued. For
example, the injury alleged from unauthorized
broadcasting is not "bodily injury" or "property
damage" as defined by most Businessowners
Liability coverage forms. Moreover, the act
of broadcasting a pay-per-view event is not an
"occurrence" as defined in a policy and would not
be covered. Finally, the Businessowners
Liability coverage forms we've seen do not cover
liability arising from violations of federal
If you want to air a pay-per-view event, you
should contact your cable or satellite provider
about obtaining the proper commercial-use license
for the event. Those who violate laws
governing the broadcast of these
subscription-required events not only do so at
their own peril, they almost certainly do so with
no right to coverage from their insurers.
Benefits of an Automatic Payment
Heading south to escape the winter chill for
a week or two on vacation? Hopefully, you
have a good manager to look after the business
while you're gone. Whether you're getting
away or are just too busy to remember to send in
your payments on time. We usually see an
uptick in non-payment cancellations in the dead of
winter and the doldrums of summer, on one reason
we commonly hear is that "the owner is out of
Late or missed payments can affect your
insurance in a number of ways. Obviously,
the biggest is that your coverage cancels and you
have a lapse in coverage. But that's not
all. There are late fees for the payment not
being received by the due date. These could
be a small, flat charge or it could be a small
percentage of your monthly amount due (which might
not be very small at all, depending on the size of
your payment).
If there's a cancellation issued on your
policy, the insurance carrier has to issue "Direct
Notice of Cancellation" to you and any additional
interests or mortgagees named in the policy.
This generates more work and more cost on the
insurance carrier, so most of them could subject
your account to a small, flat "Reinstatement
Fee". In many states, it's illegal to charge
a fee for cancellation, but insurers are free to
refuse to reinstate your coverage once you make
your payment. So in order to reinstate,
they'll want a fee.
The price you're quoted at the beginning of a
policy term could be much different that the price
you end up paying if you're not always prompt and
timely with your payments. We've seen clients who
are habitually late incur an extra $300 to $500
per year in additional fees.
That's not chump change, especially the way
business is right now.
If your business is struggling, that's one
thing, but if your difficulty is remembering to
send the payment on time, there are alternatives
for you. Pretty much every insurance company
has a type of "automatic" payment option
available. It may be called an "ACH"
(Automatic Clearing House) or "EFT" (Electronic
Funds Transfer) plan, but they all work the same
way - you submit a bland, voided check and
complete a form authorizing the insurance company
to deduct your monthly payments from your account
and they do just that.
You worry about running your business and
making sure there's money in the account and
they'll make sure your payment is taken on
time. No more late fees, no more
cancellations, and one less thing to worry
Some companies may also offer a "Recurring
Credit Card" (RCC) payment option, which is just
what it sounds like - you complete the form and
your monthly payments will be billed to your
credit card on the due dates.
Again, specific payment options vary by
insurance company, but if you're looking for every
nickel and dime you can find, and are comfortable
with the idea of having your payments
automatically withdrawn, this may be something
you'd like to take advantage
of. |
Recent Liquor Training Courses A
This past November, Bret Dixon Insurance, in
conjunction with the ILBA and Illinois Casualty Company put
on several "BASSET" Liquor Training classes in
Alton, Illinois. We were able to get about
80-90 owners and servers trained.
Getting your employees liquor trained offers
many benefits. Your front-line servers will
come away better educated on their
responsibilities and duties working with
liquor. This will make them more valuable to
your business, as they will have the
knowledge to prevent your business from assuming
more liability. Many insurers also offer
insurance discounts if your employees have liquor
Thanks to those who turned out for the
classes. We hope you've been able to apply a
few things you learned in your businesses.
Stay tuned for future liquor
training sessions. If you're
interested in taking a course immediately,
consider the ILBA's online training
of the three classes put on on
11/16/2010. |
| |
Use Technology to Document Your
It's a new year. Did Santa bring you a
new toy or goodie? And if he did, did you
consider the insurance ramifications of your
new possessions?
It's not a bad idea to update your inventory
list this time of year. As far as
personal lines go, you
might've added several
hundred dollars worth of items to your
home. Not only should you double-check your
Coverage B "Personal Property" limit on your
Homeowners policy, it's a good idea to keep
a record of your contents as well.
One method that's gaining popularity is to
document your property in a video. Not only
does this get you out of creating and
maintaining a spreadsheet of contents, it's pretty
easy to just walk around your place and point out
the things in your home. With the quality of
some video cameras in cell phones these days, you
don't even have to have a camcorder to do
Furthermore, you could then upload the video
to a video-hosting website such as YouTube so that
you have a copy stored off-premises. That
way, if something does happen to your home your
copy of your inventory doesn't get destroyed as
well. Just change the privacy settings of
your video upload to or 'Private' to ensure you're
the only one who can see what you have in your
This is a quick, clever way
to document what you had, rather than trying
to recreate it from memory after a
disaster. |
Be sure to add our email address to your
contact book to ensure that you continue receiving
industry updates, informative articles and tasty
Bret Dixon Insurance
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What happens 473
times every hour? |
According to the
Department of Transportation, traffic accidents
happened at that rate in 2008 (the most recent
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Corner |
represent over 15 insurance carriers and have
access to many more via brokers, but you may only
know one or two that we deal with. Each
issue, we'll highlight one of our valued
partners in
this space.
Travelers is an
"A+" rated company based in Conneticut
that writes business nationwide. We use them
to write homeowners and auto on the personal lines
side, and commercial risks such as auto garages,
contractors, restaurants, golf courses and a host
of "main street" businesses.
One of the major
benefits Travelers has developed for their
policyholders is their Risk Control Services website.
There, policy holders can find, free of charge, a
whole slew of value-added benefits for almost
every type of business and industry.
| | |